MHLA Course, Personal Safety – 14th March, London


Personal Safety

Date: 14th March 2014

Time: 4.00pm-6.00pm

Venue: City Temple Conference Centre, London

Presenter: Tam Gill

The MHLA is pleased to present this brief guide to potential risks that legal representatives can be exposed to during the course of their work. This courses aims to highlight these risks and to offer ideas that will help minimise these risks.

Cost: £50.00

CPD: 2 SRA-accredited hours

This course is open only to MHLA members. If you are not already a member, please complete the membership form on the About Us page of the website.

Please click here for the booking form.

Mental Health Lawyers Association Courses in 2014

Mental Health Lawyers Association Courses in 2014

The association will be running a series of courses in 2014 in various locations around the country.

All courses carry CPD points, and will be run by leading mental health lawyers (including Mental Health Tribunal judges, Law Society MH panel assessors, Legal Aid Agency independent costs assessors and peer reviewers) by the MHLA for MHLA members. There will also be leading visiting speakers, including Psychiatrists and Barristers.

Long courses include:

2-day mandatory course for accreditation to the Law Society’s MH scheme.

This will be run at various locations throughout the year. The next one will be held on 12-13 February in Manchester

2-day Court of Protection course, 20-21 May, London

Short courses include:

Risk considerations for MHT and case preparation
27 May, Manchester
12 June, Leicester
16 October, Sussex
24 October, London

Psychiatric Diagnosis and medication
27 May, Manchester
12 June, Leicester
16 October, Sussex
24 October, London

Advocacy at Tribunal & Case preparation
25 March, Lewes
7 April, London
22 April, Bath
28 May, Manchester
5 August, Leicester

Case Law – The basics and Case Law – Restricted work
19 March, Lewes
22 April, Bath
28 May, Manchester
23 June, London
5 August, Leicester

Personal Safety
14 March, London
12 September, London

These courses will be between 1-4 hours long

We will also run some very short courses lasting no more than 1 hour on:

 EC1 Claims


 Advance Decisions & the Code of Practice requirement for considering AD’s

 Transfer of patients within secure services

Further details about these courses, and how to make bookings, will be posted on the MHLA website in due course.

MHLA, NW Regional Meeting – 26th February, Manchester

All members are invited to the next meeting of the North West Area MHLA

Date: Wednesday, 26th February

Time: 4.30-6.00pm

Venue: Lincoln House Chambers, Tower 12, 18 – 22 Bridge Street, Manchester, M3 3BZ

Tel: 0161 832 5701. Please click here for location details.

CPD Points: 1.5

CPD Ref: 2647/MHTA

Topic: The current LAA Tender

There will be refreshments of tea, coffee and biscuits.

Please can you RSVP as soon as possible to Kathryn Gibson at, so that we have an indication of numbers we are catering for.

The meeting is free and open to all MHLA members.

CoPPA Seminar – 3rd July, York

CoPPA Seminar
“Best interest assessment – a practitioners perspective”

3rd July 2013 – Langleys solicitors, Queens House, Micklegate, York, YO1 6WG.

Registration 5pm.

Speaker’s Profile;

Alwyn Davies

In his substantive post, Alwyn is a senior Local Social Services Authority manager with lead responsibility for the provision of the Approved Mental Health Professional service. He is a practicing Social Worker, Approved Mental Health Professional, Best Interests Assessor and Safeguarding Adults Manager.

Outside of his substantive post Alwyn is the Module Leader of the ‘Practice of Best Interests Assessor’ programme at Leeds Metropolitan University. Additionally he is currently a tutor on the Section 12(2), Approved Clinician and Mental Health Assessor programmes for both the Yorkshire and the East Midlands area and the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and is a current panel member of the Section 12(2) and Approved Clinician Approval Board.

Alwyn is an experienced BIA and AMHP practitioner with thirty-plus years of experience in social work and education. As well as being an AMHP manager for a LSSA, Alwyn has been a member of several DoH Mental Capacity Act development groups regarding the implementation of the DoLS processes. He regularly chairs Best Interests Decision Meetings and has appeared in the Court of Protection regarding issues of mental capacity, best interests, and deprivation of liberty.

Booking Details:

To attend, please complete the slip below and return to CoPPA Secretary, Jane Leadbetter, Brearleys Solicitors, 1 Brunswick Street, Batley, West Yorkshire WF17 5DT

Yes I would like to attend the CoPPA meeting on 3rd July, 5pm, @Langley’s, York.
I enclose a cheque made payable to CoPPA Yorks for £5 per attendee

Name……………………………………….. Position and Organisation ………………………………………
Email address……………………………………………………

MHLA, Introduction to the Court of Protection – 8th July, London


Introduction to the Court of Protection

8th July 2013 – City Temple, London

Sophy Miles
Floyd Porter

The MHLA is pleased to present this new highly practical one day course, aimed at experienced mental health practitioners who are interested in expanding into Court of Protection work. Presented by two experienced Court of Protection lawyers, it will cover:

9.30am-10.00am Registration & Coffee/tea


Overview of Mental Capacity Act.

Jurisdiction of the Court of Protection:

• Types of cases
• Who should apply

11.30am-11.45am Coffee/tea

11.45am- 1.00pm

Procedure and Funding in the COP:

• Using the Rules effectively
• Legal aid

1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch


Financial applications

3.00pm- 3.15pm Coffee/tea


Article 5 issues:

• Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and appeals
• Interface with MHA

4.30pm Questions and contributions

5.00pm Close

Please click here for the booking form.

MHLA, NW Regional Meeting – 5th June, Manchester

All members are invited to the third meeting of the North West Area MHLA

Date: Wednesday, 5th June

Time: 4.30-6.00pm

Venue: Kenworthy’s Chambers, Arlington House, Bloom Street, Salford, Manchester M3 6AJ

Tel: 0161 832 4036. Please click here for location details.

CPD Points: 1.5

CPD Ref: 2647/MHTA

Topic At the meeting we are looking to discuss new changes to the Tribunal process and practice directions.

The meeting will carry 1.5 hours CPD, however this is unfortunately not relevant for barristers.

The meeting will continue beyond 6.00pm if people wish to have discussions in the excellent pub opposite chambers.

There will be refreshments of drinks and biscuits.

Please can you RSVP as soon as possible to Kathryn Gibson at, so that we have an indication of numbers we are catering for.

The meeting is free and open to all MHLA members.

Seventh North East Mental Health Law Conference

The Seventh North East Mental Health Law Conference

Friday 12 July 2013, City Campus East, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne

Issues to be covered include:

A review of recent significant decisions of both the Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals Chamber) and the Administrative Court;

A consideration of the implications for the application of mental health law in England & Wales of (1) important decisions emanating from the European Court of Human Rights and (2) the UN Convention for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;

An examination of legal and other issues arising as a consequence of the Approved Clinician role being open to a wide range of professionals;

An analysis of the statutory safeguards applicable to the care and treatment of children and young people with mental health problems;

An alternative interpretation of the caselaw which has addressed the all-important question ‘What is a Deprivation?’, as anticipation increases about the approach to be taken by the Supreme Court towards the end of the year;

A reflection on the general direction of mental health law.

Although the programme is packed, there will be opportunities for those attending to ask questions and to make comments, not only about issues arising from the various talks but also on other matters of relevance to a mental health law conference. A ‘Panel Discussion’ has been scheduled for the final session.

The conference carries 6 hours cpd and costs £240, with an early bird cost of £190 for those booking by 31st May.

Please contact for further details or click here for the brochure and booking form.

MHLA Courses, 21st June 2013, Bath


21 June 2013

Carfax Hotel, 13 – 15 Great Pulteney Street, Bath BA2 4BS

Course 1:

Psychiatric Diagnoses, Medication and Representing Patients


9.30am Registration and Coffee

10.00am Nick Lewis – Welcome

10.15am Tam Gill – Why does diagnosis matter and what to look out for in preparing your case – Legal Perspective and Pointers

10.45am Dr Richard Noon – Common psychiatric diagnoses and symptoms

11.45am Coffee

12.00pm Dr Richard Noon – Psychiatric medication, side effects and compliance monitoring

1.00pm Nick Lewis, Dr Richard Noon , Tam Gill Open Discussion – Cross-examining medical witnesses, Tribunal preparation and submissions in relation to diagnosis and treatment

1.30pm End of Course

Course 2:

‘Risk’ and Tribunals


2.00pmRegistration and Coffee

2.15pm Nick Lewis – Welcome

2.30pm Tam Gill – Medical Records – why look at them & how to interpret medical records

3.00pm Dr Richard Noon:
1) Introduction – what is Risk and why does the Tribunal concern itself with Risk?
2) The ‘3 limbs of Risk’ – what issues and factors does the Tribunal consider, and why?
3) Appropriate Medical Treatment

4.00pm Coffee

4.15pm Dr Richard Noon (continued)

5.15pm Nick Lewis, Richard Noon, Tam Gill – Open Discussion – Cross-examining medical witnesses, Tribunal preparation and submissions in relation to medical evidence

6.00pm End of Course

Speaker Biographies

Tam Gill– Principal Solicitor, Gledhill Solicitors, Brighton. Law Society Mental Health Panel Assessor, Legal Aid Agency Independent Costs Adjudicator, Associate Hospital Manager, CQC Mental Health Act Commissioner, facilitator of MHLA Training Sub-committee

Dr Richard Noon – Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist and Clinical Director for Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Medical Member of Mental Health Tribunal and National Trainer for Tribunal members

Nick Lewis – Partner, Gaskell & Walker Solicitors, Bridgend. Legal Member of MHRT Wales. Vice-Chair of MHLA

Please click here for the booking form.

MHLA 13th Annual Conference & AGM, 2nd November, London

Mental Health Lawyers Association

13th Annual Conference

Friday 2nd November 2012

Victory Services Club, London W2 2HF


9.00am Registration and Coffee

9.30am Richard Charlton Chairman’s Address and Welcome

9.45am LSC – MHU Contract Issues
Q & A Session, Chaired by Sue Antell and Peter Edwards

11.00am Coffee

11.30am Judge Hinchliffe MHT Practice / Future Plans

12.15pm Marian Trendell MAPPA

1.00pm Buffet Lunch

2.00pm Annual General Meeting Voting of Officers and Committee Members,
Presentation of Accounts

2.30pm Robert Robinson Mental Health Panel Accreditation

3.15pm Coffee

3.45pm Judge Jacobs Recent Case Law / Role of the Advocate

4.45pm Richard Charlton Closing Address

5.00pm Informal Reception

Please click here for the booking form.