Mental Health Lawyers Association
13th Annual Conference
Friday 2nd November 2012
Victory Services Club, London W2 2HF
9.00am Registration and Coffee
9.30am Richard Charlton Chairman’s Address and Welcome
9.45am LSC – MHU Contract Issues
Q & A Session, Chaired by Sue Antell and Peter Edwards
11.00am Coffee
11.30am Judge Hinchliffe MHT Practice / Future Plans
12.15pm Marian Trendell MAPPA
1.00pm Buffet Lunch
2.00pm Annual General Meeting Voting of Officers and Committee Members,
Presentation of Accounts
2.30pm Robert Robinson Mental Health Panel Accreditation
3.15pm Coffee
3.45pm Judge Jacobs Recent Case Law / Role of the Advocate
4.45pm Richard Charlton Closing Address
5.00pm Informal Reception
Please click here for the booking form.