A Practitioner’s Guide to Mental Health Law by Michael Butler
A MHLA member special discount offer
MHLA members can order this comprehensive and accessible guide at the discounted price of £45.00 (usual price £55.00). A Practitioner’s Guide to Mental Health Law covers matters of everyday concern to lawyers and other mental health professionals in a clear and easy-to-read format. Topics include:
• An overview of the statutory and regulatory framework for mental health law
• The impact of the ECHR on mental health law
• The meaning of mental disorder
• Law and procedure governing civil admissions to hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983
• Police powers in respect of the mentally disordered
• Treatment of patients under Part IV of the Mental Health Act 1983
• Rules governing the admission to hospital and treatment of children and young persons
• The rights of detained patients
• Discharge powers available to responsible clinicians, nearest relatives and hospital managers
• The constitution, role and powers of Mental Health Tribunals
• Aftercare, guardianship and community treatment orders
• Medical treatment and other decision-making under the Mental Capacity Act 2005
• The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
• Mental disorder and criminal law
The Guide also provides a glossary of key terms and participants in the legal process, a summary of the main differences between English and Welsh law and procedure, definitions and explanations of the main psychiatric disorders, and checklists covering the key procedural points in hospital admissions.
For a full list of contents and more information see here: http://www.wildy.com/isbn/9780854901142/a-practitioner-s-guide-to-mental-health-law-hardback-wildy-simmonds-and-hill-publishing
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Please email ann.vowles@wildy.com quoting “MHLA1” and including your delivery address. Postage and packing is free in the UK, and we will invoice you when we send the book.
Published October 2014, Hardcover